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Specifically conceived having in mind those wishing to undertake graduate studies at Porto city, this Residence offers you all the quality, price, location and sympathy you may need.


Located at city center, nearby the main campus of several universities, blends the quiet and privacy you need to study, teach or develop your research, with a very convenient distance to your entertainment during the weekend.


You will certainly find here the best available conditions to stay, to study, or to move around and enjoy the Porto city, ensuring a desired quality of life for an extended stay.


Take a look at the facilities and feel free to ask for the information you need.



WELCOME        ---------        BEM VINDO



Criada com o objectivo específico de apoiar todos aqueles que frequentam o ensino superior na cidade do Porto, esta Residência concilia a qualidade, preço, localização e simpatia adequadas às suas necessidades.


Situada numa zona central da cidade e a curta distância dos pólos principais de várias universidades, conjuga a privacidade e o sossego necessários ao estudo, ensino ou investigação, com a proximidade conveniente dos locais de diversão em fim de semana.


Aqui encontrará certamente as melhores condições para residir, estudar, apreciar e deslocar-se com facilidade pela cidade, garantindo o conforto desejado para uma permanência alargada.


Descubra as instalações e solicite a informação adicional que necessitar.





KAMPUBLIKA is a registered trademark inseparable from Kampublika Unipessoal Lda. 

Kampublika is an adherent in full of CICAP - 

Main CAE 55900; (Secondary CAE 55201 / 55204 - Reg. 36177/AL)  

Compliments, Suggestions and Complaints -

@ 2024, por KAMPUBLIKA. Créditos 


KAMPUBLIKA, Unipessoal Lda.

R. de Campo Lindo 276
4200 - 144 PORTO



​Mob. / WhatsApp: +351 964949465

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  ROOMs from (*) (2024-25)


305 €/month (VAT inc.) +  Water/Gas/Energy consumption 

(each person, in a double or triple unit

with private WC) .


                             up to


355 €/month (VAT inc.) +  Water/Gas/Energy consumption

(single unit with private WC).





- Weekly room's cleaning with linens and towels supply and replacement


- Daily common areas maintenance


- Free wireless


- Electronic access control


- Support for self catering: tableware, appliances, washing and drying machines, ironing, rooms' fridges, shared meals space and backyard grill;


(*) Academic public only;

MTT - Municipal Tourist Tax excluded 

( máx 14 € / total continuous stay ) 

Residência Académica ( )

Alojamento Local (AL)





Academic Residence ( )



Local Accommodation (AL) 






PORTO, Portugal


Mobility Programs


Students Accommodation Porto | Erasmus Rooms Porto | Students Rooms Porto

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